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Snov.io VS Aeroleads

Snov.io VS Aeroleads: the Email Finder match


Snov.io is gen-lead platform which combines an email finder, an email verifier and an inbox warm-up solution.  

Snov.io is integrated with Pipedrive.

Where does the data come from?

Snov.io gathers data from different data sources.  

  • Snov.io gathers the personal data of users who have subscribed to the platform.
  • The solution gathers data provided by contact forms made with Hotjar, Crisp chat, etc.
  • Snow.io also gets data from third-party services like Zapier, Pipedrive, Calendly, etc.

Snov.io uses cloud-based data storage services like Amazon, MangoDB and Hetzner to store personal data.


Aeroleads uses different methods to find email addresses. The Email Finder can find the addresses of existing leads or to find new contacts, previously identified on the platform.

Where does the data come from?

Aeroleads has a database of more than 500 million professional email addresses, 120 million personal email addresses and  20 million personal phone numbers. The platform does not give any detail as to the origin of this data.


Snov.io pricing

Snov.io has a free plan with 50 credits/months for searching and verifying email addresses, with 1 inbox warm-up.

For $39 per month, credits add up to  1000 and the warm-up option to 3 email inboxes.

Lastly, for bigger volumes, the Pro plan can adapted from 5K credits to 100K, and ranges from $99 to $738 per month depending on the number of credits needed.  

Aeroleads pricing

Aeroleads's plans start at  $49 per month for 2 000 credits, giving access to unlimited email search but with an import of only 2 000 prospects to your own database.

Comparaison des features

📨 Email

Logo Dropcontact - Email finder et enrichissement B2B

Email Finder and Enrichment

B2B Email qualification

Verification, correction and validation of B2B email


Logo Dropcontact - Enrichissement de contacts B2B

Civil title

Correction and standardization of first /last names

Detection and merging of contact duplicates

Adds LinkedIn profile

Adds personal phone number

🏢 Company

Logo Dropcontact - Enrichissement des données de sociétés

Adds contact's company and website

Adds company's LinkedIn

🗂 File

Logo Dropcontact - Email finder et enrichissement de fichiers B2B

Email enrichment from a contact list

🔌 API and integration

Logo Dropcontact - la meilleure intégration CRM pour trouver et enrichir ses emails

API and Zapier integration available

CRM integration to enrich, update and merge contacts

⚖️ GDPR Compliance

Logo Dropcontact - Le seul Email Finder 100% RGPD

100% GDPR-compliant enrichment solution


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