The best Nomination alternative

The best solution to enrich B2B emails and achieve effective sales prospecting? Dropcontact

The alternative to Nomination for enriching B2B emails

Email Finder and B2B enrichment : Dropcontact


Dropcontact is the only solution that uses algorithms to enrich all your B2B emails. Zero databases! So, all the data provided is guaranteed to be up to date.
👋🏼 Say goodbye to the obsolescence of your B2B lead bases.

Dropcontact - 100% GDPR email enrichment solution

100% GDPR compliant

The best email finder alternative : Dropcontact get up-to-date and real-time data

Up-to-date data, enriched in real-time

Email finder alternative : Dropcontact verifies all information provided

Verified information

Why Dropcontact is the best alternative to Nomination

The algorithms developed by Dropcontact search and enrich B2B email addresses in real-time. And it's 100% GDPR compliant!

B2B email finder
and enrichment

The obsolescence rate of a contact database is over 33% every year! This is mainly due to the more and more regular changes of companies.

The solution to getting up-to-date data? Real-time!
Dropcontact offers an email address enrichment that is not based on a database, unlike all other address search solutions.

Thanks to its algorithms, Dropcontact enriches and provides real-time verified and updated business email addresses.

👉🏻 Discover Dropcontact Email Finder and Enrichment feature.

Nomination collects and stores email addresses as well as landlines and cell phone numbers.

Each email address is searched in the Nomination database.
The storage of this data raises the question of the freshness of the data provided.

Dropcontact : The best alternative to to find and enrich email addresses
Dropcontact is the only 100% GDPR solution that verifies professional email addresses

A 100% GDPR compliant tool

Without explicit authorization from the persons concerned, the marketing of personal data (personal and professional emails, cell phones...) of European Union citizens stored in a database is prohibited by the GDPR.

If you are an EU citizen, have you given Nomination permission to sell your cell phone numbers and personal and professional email addresses?

Dropcontact finds, tests, and verifies all of your contact data only through its algorithms and test servers. This makes Dropcontact the only solution on the market that complies with the GDPR.

B2B emails verification

Dropcontact's test servers verify and qualify all your contacts' emails: addresses are 98% valid (and more than 85% for catch-all domains).

👉🏻 Discover Dropcontact B2B email verification

The email addresses and phone numbers provided by Nomination come from stored databases.

This information is not qualified or verified before being sold to you.

Email verifier and GDPR tool : Dropcontact
 Dropcontact the only solution that merges duplicate contacts

Contacts and companies duplicate merging

When enriching your B2B data, Dropcontact automatically detects and merges duplicates in your contact file.

👉🏻 All about the duplicate merge feature

Nomination, on the other hand, offers deduplication of your duplicate B2B contacts.

CRM integration

Dropcontact integrates natively with Pipedrive, Salesforce, and Hubspot.
In addition to enriching your contact data, Dropcontact finds and merges duplicates directly into your CRM.

👉🏻 Dropcontact CRM integration

The CRM connector offered by Nomination only works with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

CRM integration to enrich, update and merge contacts cards

Nomination vs Dropcontact pricing

Logo - Email finder alternative

Nomination pricing

  • On-Demand
  • No free plan
  • Using an email for a marketing campaign and exporting a contact count for two different credits.
Dropcontact logo - the best Email Finder alternative

Dropcontact pricing

  • From €24 / month (500 credits)
  • Without commitment
  • No user limit
  • Free test: the first 50 credits are free 🎁
  • Free plan: 25 credits / month

👉🏻 See Dropcontact pricing

All it takes is one credit for Dropcontact to search for the domain, enrich the email address, show the LinkedIn profile and the company's legal information. 💪 Unbeatable value for money!

Nomination vs Dropcontact features

📨 Email

Logo - Email enrichment by Dropcontact
Logo Alternative - B2B data enrichment

Email Finder and B2B data enrichment

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Starting from the first name + last name + company website, or the LinkedIn profile, Dropcontact finds, enriches, and verifies personal email addresses.

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Using the contact's company name, Nomination searches for information in its email address database.

B2B email qualification

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact algorithms qualify email addresses: @pro, @perso, nominative@, generic@, catch-all@.

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination does not qualify the email address.

B2B email checking, verification and correction

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact checks every email address without using any database: only through its algorithms and test servers. If a business email address contains an error, Dropcontact notices it and automatically corrects it.

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination investigators sometimes spot-check the information provided. Nomination shows the email address found in its database and does not automatically detect if it is wrong.


Logo - B2B contact enrichment by Dropcontact
Logo alternative - B2B people enrichment

Add the civility

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact adds your contact's civility, for a more personalized communication!

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination does not indicate the civility of the contact.

First name + last name correction and normalization

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact corrects and normalizes first names: capitalization added, accents corrected if needed.

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination indicates the first and last name found in its database and does not try to correct it.

Duplicate contacts detection and merging

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact automatically detects and merges duplicates in your contact file.

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination offers data deduplication.

Add the contact's LinkedIn profile

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

For your multi-channel prospecting, the LinkedIn profile of your contacts is indicated by Dropcontact.

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination adds your contacts' URL LinkedIn profile you are looking for.

Add the contact's nominative phone number

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact is GDPR compliant and only provides professional information.

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination provides a phone number if it is present in its database. Sometimes this number may be private (and impossible to know in advance).

🏢 Company

Logo - B2B company enrichment by Dropcontact
Logo alternative - B2B email enrichment

Add the contact's company and its website

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact adds and normalizes the company name of your contacts and enriches it with all the administrative data (address, SIREN, SIRET, NAF code, last published turnover, workforce...). Dropcontact also adds the website of the company of your leads from the company name or the professional email address.

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination provides the contact's company information: address, SIREN, key figures, news. Nomination provides the link your prospects' company website.

Add the company LinkedIn page

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

The LinkedIn pages of your contacts' companies are added by Dropcontact.

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination does not add the LinkedIn pages of prospects' companies.

Company change alert

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact detects if your contact changes companies and updates their data.

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination does not detect if your contact changes companies and does not update the data.

🗂 Database file

Logo Dropcontact - Enrich B2B databases
B2B database : Email finder and data enrichment

Email enrichment via a contact list

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

After dropping your contact file in drag-and-drop, Dropcontact enriches each line: email, phone, company information, LinkedIn profile, website... The Dropcontact file is directly exportable in .xls.

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

It is not possible to drag and drop a contact file into Nomination to enrich it. On the other hand, the contacts found in Nomination can be exported in .csv format.

🔌 API and integration

Dropcontact logo - API and CRM integration to enrich B2B data
Logo alternative - API and CRM integration

API and Zapier integration available

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

With the Dropcontact API, connect all your services. Dropcontact integrates perfectly into your prospecting workflows. Dropcontact is integrated with Zapier to allow you to automate all your sales and marketing processes.

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination does not offer an API or module in Zapier.

CRM integration to enrich, update
and merge B2B contacts

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact integrates with your Pipedrive, Salesforce, and Hubspot CRM.

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination connects to Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

⚖️ Fresh data

Dropcontact logo - 100% GDPR compliant solution
Logo alternative - GDPR compliance

Real-time Email Finder tool and GDPR compliant

Check - Alternative Dropcontact

Dropcontact does not use any database and only uses algorithms to enrich contact. So Dropcontact provides real time data.

Don't check -  Alternative Dropcontact

Nomination collects information and builds a contact database.
Have the individuals concerned given their consent? How can you be sure that you are getting up-to-date data?

Nomination vs Dropcontact benefits

Logo - Email Finder alternative

Nomination benefits

Nomination allows you to find a telephone number to contact the prospect you are looking for ☎️

Nomination offers a nomenclature in the form of an organization chart and indicates the assistant of the searched contact if they have one, allowing to contact several people at once for the same prospecting.

Dropcontact logo - the benefits

The Dropcontact benefits

Dropcontact is the only 100% GDPR compliant business email address enrichment solution.

All the data provided by Dropcontact is verified and updated in real-time.

The other alternatives to Nomination

There are so many solutions to enrich B2B email addresses