Dropcontact finds emails, enriches, deduplicates, and updates your contacts automatically and the tool is 100% GDPR compliant.
Identify and merge duplicate records
The only GDPR compliant data enrichment solution
A single click to connect Dropcontact
Discover Dropcontact's integrations
The most reliable B2B email address search and data enrichment (files or CRM) on the market.
First and last name + website = enriched and verified contact
Accurate & Up-to-dateEmail Verification
Enrich your data directly in Google Sheets
Track your leadscompany changes
Dropcontact is integrated in the main CRMs of the market to enrich, verify, detect duplicates and update all of your B2B contacts. You can also upload your xls or csv file, or use our API.
All tips and tutorials to optimize your prospecting and commercial actions and your Sales automation.
An Email finder is a tool (either exclusively available on line or as a software) which will search and find one or several email addresses. These solutions are often used in B2B to help professionals create a targeted prospect list.
AI is mainly used in marketing to help marketers with content personalization and content creation, with automating tedious and time-consuming tasks, or with creating workflows with all your preferred tools.
"Lead scoring" is the process of assigning a score to your leads. This score aims to evaluate the conversion potential of your prospect based on their level of maturity.
Automate your prospecting while maintaining the quality, hyper-personalization, and human aspect of emails? It's possible and we'll explain everything to you.
How to increase the power of your prospecting actions is a question on every sales and marketing team's lips.
Lead generation, sales, prospecting, outbound marketing, these are the subjects you will discover in the Marketing and Entrepreneurship podcast by IntoTheMinds.
In a CRM, a duplicate record is a contact or company record that exists several times with more or less the same information. We teach you how to avoid them
Automated prospecting is an efficiency and growth lever for sales and marketing teams. But how do you set up your Sales Machine with HubSpot?
Repetitive and time-consuming tasks, closing sales, generating new leads, demo scheduling, reaching numbers, lead searching... All these aspects are essential for good prospecting.
The use of CRM has evolved since its inception, with new practices, features and technological advances resulting in new trends.
What if you used one tool to replace 12? We give you our tip to keep your contacts updated and in real time with enriched, verified and valid data!
TOP 15 CRM integrations 2025
A CRM is an essential tool for Sales, Marketing and Customer Support teams! But what is a CRM tool exactly? And how to choose the right one for your business?
Automatically enrich the data of your contacts who subscribed to a Typeform form. Contact them in a 100% personalized way!
All the keys to keeping your customer and prospect database up to date in your CRM: quick and effective.
LinkedIn is the best and most up-to-date B2B database. Find an email on LinkedIn: 3 techniques to contact your prospects with Dropcontact and Captain Data according to your target!
This tutorial will allow you to build a very powerful and 100% automated prospecting workflow. Once it's set up, a simple LinkedIn search will be enough to initiate contact. Fasten your seatbelts, it will prospect!
LinkedIn is an essential B2B prospecting channel, we're not teaching you anything. So how do you find those future prospects? To whom and how to address them?
Integrate Dropcontact into Soho CRM thanks to Zapier to automatically find B2B emails and enrich your leads
Have you ever calculated how much time you spend cleaning and enriching your lead base/day? 🙄 Automation will save you
We are starting the fifth week of lockdown and at least 4 weeks are ahead of us... Save your cash flow or accelerate your business development?
Are your contacts still up to date? In only two years you lose the majority of your contact base. This base is the backbone of your business! Your prospects evolve and they change their email address...
A clean Google address book is so much more comfortable and efficient... Among these contacts are your prospects / leads / customers!
Who hasn't dreamt of a job where you only work on what you love? In which you could focus only on the tasks that really matter and create value?
When you want to develop your activity, the first reflex is to try to find new prospects. However, there is a recurring problem in companies: files...